The Top 4 Safari Destinations In Botswana You Need To Know About

Botswana is the best destination if you are thinking about an African safari. There are many destinations to choose from, each with its unique charm. So, before you look for the best tour travel company in Botswana, here is some information on the top four that will help you select your destination.

Chobe National Park

If you love elephants and that is the leading animal you want to see during your African Safari, then this is the safari destination for you. It is the second largest national park in the country and has a variety of terrains within itself, including marshland, savannah, and woodland. The best part of having a safari tour here is seeing the animals from a sunset river cruise. It makes it one of the best honeymoon safari destinations in the world. Apart from elephants, this national park has lions, leopards, giraffes, and buffalo.

The Kalahari

If you are looking for a safari that is miles away from civilization and is one of the oldest inhabited places in the world, you must visit Kalahari. It is said that the earliest humans lived here before migrating out of Africa. Today, it is the home of the San people, also known as Bushmen, one of the few remaining hunter-gatherer tribes in the world. The place is mostly arid, but when it rains, it has a dramatic makeover and is one of the best times to visit. You can see vast herds of zebras, oryx, and other herbivorous coming to the temporary lakes that spring up after the rains. And with them come the big cats like leopards.

Makgadikgadi Pans

Another ancient place in the country is the Makgadikgadi pans, which include one of the oldest salt pans in Africa. This safari destination is very popular with families as meerkats are one of the main animals here. Rains create beauty in the pans as flamingos flock to the region, turning the horizon pink. Rare animals like aardvark and aardwolf can also be sighted here, along with hippos.

Okavango Delta

The queen of safari destinations in Botswana is Okavango Delta. Most look for Botswana’s best tours and travel services to book a safari trip here. It is one of the most beautiful places in the world and is best viewed during the rainy seasons when the whole delta becomes emerald green and a labyrinth of streams and waterways. The big five of Africa are present here as a variety of aquatic life and birds.